abbeyfield houses society of canada lgo. Volunteer and resident share a cup of tea. Links to information on volunteering.
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AIM: To provide accommodation and companionship for lonely older people within their own local community.
WE OFFER: Affordable, supportive care Houses in which a group of seven to ten residents live like a large "family".
WE ARE NON-PROFIT: House ownership and care support is undertaken by community volunteers, often with help from service clubs and churches
WE ARE TIME-PROVEN: Founded over forty years ago, there are now over 1,100 Abbeyfield Houses around the world with 9,000 residents and 13,000 volunteers, providing an enhanced, extended and healthy lease on life for our elders.

links to images of abbeyfield homes.links to map showing locations.links to becoming a resident.

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Interview with Richard Carr-Gomm ... more


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